How to Integrate WordPress Blog With Magento 2 Store

How to Integrate WordPress Blog With Magento 2 Store

Your business needs a resilient online presence to sell the products effectively. Various content forms like product descriptions, reviews, and website-based content play a vital role in attracting customers, but it is not typically enough to attract new users.

It is important for eCommerce businesses to work with content experts and build valuable material to attract and retain more customers. To add an experienced content team, businesses mainly hire a WordPress development company.

Magento as an eCommerce champ and WordPress as a fully functional CMS are a great pair to work on. As a Magento store owner, you can function on a feature-rich e-store front, and with WordPress, your business can enjoy valuable content to attract prospective clients. To add an experienced content team, businesses mainly hire a WordPress development company.

Benefits of Integrating Magento 2 and WordPress Blog

Integrating your Magento 2 business store with WordPress can enhance its functionality and scalability. Magento 2 and WordPress integration can play a vital role with integrated themes, removing barriers of added features and improving navigation between the platforms. You can take the help of WordPress development for an easy transition. Some of the benefits are pointed out below.

1. Remodeled Content Management:

Businesses can easily manage both blog and webpage content with a single platform. This simplifies the process of maintaining and updating the market presence.

2. Optimized Search Results:

When Magento 2 and WordPress development features are combined together, the extended features can directly boost your website’s search engine rankings and organic traffic outcomes.

3. Unified Branding:

You can work on a unified branding strategy by merging WordPress themes with Magento’s store designs. The feature-rich outcome can give your storefront better outcomes.

4. Augmented User Experience:

The seamless navigation over the website’s blog and your online store can help customers with relative outcomes and provide an overall shopping experience. WordPress development company provides cross-promotional opportunities, which can further enhance your sales.

5. Customer Engagement:

Information blogs added with WordPress can provide your business with better prospective customers. With the integration to the Magento eCommerce platform, you can cultivate loyal customers and drive conversion rates.

6. Third-Party Plugins and Extensions:

You can leverage a vast set of libraries holding numerous extensions to enhance your website further with customization options and optimize the integrated storefront. By consolidating both platforms, the e-store can gain scalable solutions alongside your business outcomes.

Integration of Magento 2 Store and WordPress Blog: The Process

Integrating your WordPress blog with the Magento 2 store can add great value to your business. To do so, you can take advantage of the FishPig Magento WordPress integration. It is an open-source Magento Module that works with the Magento Community and Enterprises Edition. It is also helpful in enhancing navigation for better customer retention and decreased bounce rate.

Here are some steps to integrate a WordPress blog into the Magento 2 store. It is important to note that FTP access is granted to the hosting server, and you have better file management.

1. You can visit the official site of WordPress and download the latest version. The CMS will be downloaded in a zip file with all the files and folders of the application. You can extract the required application and save it as wp.

2. Now, just open up any web browser, add your Magento 2 store’s URL, and add /wp/ at the end. Now, just follow up on the steps to install WordPress. If you have a WordPress installation page, things are going well. The database information can be either created new or entered with the required details of your existing Magento 2 store.

Note: Database details for your existing Magento 2 store can be taken by opening $MagentoRoot/app/etc/local.xml file.

3. After the complete installation process, you can enjoy a fully functional WordPress blog on your Magento server. To successfully integrate the two platforms, you need to install the FishPig Magento WordPress integration module.

4. The FishPig Magento WordPress module is free and can be installed like a regular Magento 2 store by using Magento Connect Manager. Ensure that your Magento compiler and Cache are fully disabled for an error-free process. To configure the module, just log in to your Magento admin, and from the topmost navigation of the admin, tap on WordPress settings. the two sets have database and database settings. Follow the commands and add your store in the homeURL field. The entered link will be added to your Magento 2 base URL and will become the WordPress blog’s URL. You need to add a blog on the page you want. And finally, you are done with the integration.

Note: You can see red and yellow warning messages. Don’t worry about the same. The step-by-step configuration will take up the warning messages properly.

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Incorporating a WordPress blog in Magento can be a complex task for non-technical business owners. But by combining both platforms, you can expect the best of both eCommerce and content management systems. To complete the merging of the two, it is significant to hire a WordPress website development company to ensure a tension-free process. You can not only expect a desired result but also hold better time engagement for high-priority business activities.

About The Author:
Adam Parker is a skilled WordPress developer at HTMLPanda.With his development support, he loves to add interactive blogs and articles on web development for the general public.


