Do These Three Things and Your Website Will Convert More Visitors Into Buyers

If your website is struggling to convert a decent percentage of visitors into buyers it could be that you need to change things around and perform some tweaks to up the conversion rate.

One way of ensuring that you maximize your success rate would be to use a stupendous digital marketing agency in Utah, as they will have the skills and knowledge required to maximize your opportunities.

In the meantime, there are some things you can do yourself to ensure that your website provides the most alluring and persuasive visitor experience possible.

Make sure your landing page is fit for purpose

You often only get a limited window of opportunity to impress visitors to your site. The average duration of a visitor before they click away is under five seconds. In other words, they have to like what they see instantly.

That means your landing page has to be spot on.

If you are spending money on services such as Google Adwords it is essential that you get a decent ROI. Sending people from their internet search to your webpage has to be a rewarding and interesting experience.

Be mindful that your landing page is your elevator pitch. Take a good look at what visitors first see when they land on your website landing page. Does it provide all of the information they might need in a concise and interesting format?

Making sure your landing page is fit for purpose should be one of your top priorities. If it is not presented in the right way and doesn’t provide a quality visitor experience they will click away and be unlikely to return any time soon.

Is your website visible enough?

If you are struggling to generate good visitor numbers in the first place it could be that you need a better SEO strategy.

A good starting point would be to check how well your website currently ranks on Google. Are you using all the right keywords and phrases in order to increase visibility?

You might need to get some help from an SEO agency to boost your ranking if your in-house strategy is not yielding good enough results.

Make it easy for visitors to communicate with you

It is amazing how many websites fail to provide enough focus on making it as easy as possible for potential customers to get in touch.

Your contact form should be in a prominent position and easy to navigate and use.

In addition to keeping your contact form as easy as possible to use you also need to provide various contact buttons around the site. If a visitor likes what they see from your website and wants to get in touch you have to make that task as simple as possible.

If a visitor struggles with a poorly presented contact form or can’t easily find a way to get in touch with just a few clicks they can quickly lose interest.

These simple but important suggestions could make all the difference when you are trying to improve your conversion rate.


